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  • The 2017 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research goes to Hernando de Soto

    The 2017 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research goes to Hernando de Soto

    The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research is the most prominent international award in entrepreneurship research with a price sum of EUR 100,000. De Soto’s analyses have had tremendous influence on policy throughout the world and were a main source of inspiration for the World Bank’s Doing Business program. Read More
  • 2017 Award Winner

    2017 Award Winner

    Hernando de Soto Peru  Institute for Liberty and Democracy For developing a new understanding of the institutions that underpin the informal economy as well as the role of property rights and entrepreneurship in converting the informal economy into the formal sector.   Read More
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ILD in the News

BitFury will develop the platform for the National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR), an office of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Renowned Peruvian Economist Hernando DeSoto announced on Friday he would assist in the development of the platform.

(OroyFinanzas.com) – La empresa de minería Bitcoin BitFury va a desarrollar una plataforma de registros de propiedad basada en la cadena de bloques (blockchain) en la República de Georgia. El proyecto nace de un acuerdo entre la Agencia Nacional de Registro Público del país (NAPR), dependiente del Ministerio de Justicia, y contará con la supervisión del conocido economista peruano Hernando de Soto.

La empresa BitFury firmó un acuerdo con la Agencia Nacional de Registro Público (NAPR por sus siglas en inglés), una oficina del Ministerio de Justicia de Georgia, con el objetivo de desarrollar una plataforma de registros de propiedad basada en la Blockchain con la colaboración del reconocido economista peruano Hernando de Soto.

In a signing ceremony at the Georgian Ministry of Justice. Bitcoin mining company BitFury, the Republic of Georgia’s National Agency of Public Registry and renowned Peruvian economist Hernando DeSoto announced Friday a partnership to design and pilot a blockchain land titling project.

Bitcoin mining firm BitFury, the Republic of Georgia’s National Agency of Public Registry and prominent economist Hernando de Soto are slated to announce Friday a collaboration to develop and pilot a blockchain land titling project, according to a report by Forbes.

When Hernando de Soto, PhD, reached the podium in the opening lecture of the Building Good Economies conference, he placed an apple and his wallet on the podium.“This is my apple, but there is nothing in the apple that says it’s mine,” he said. “There’s nothing in the apple that says you can lease it or buy it, that you can sell it or mortgage it.


26 March 2016 Este artículo ha sido publicado con la colaboración de Techonomy. Hernando de Soto, el economista peruano y promotor de campañas contra la pobreza, calcula que cinco mil millones de personas viven sin contar con los registros adecuados.

Fue fascinante escuchar sus ideas sobre economía informal y el por qué coloca a los derechos de  negocios y de propiedad como uno de los temas más importantes que necesitan ser mejorados para reducir la pobreza y pelear contra el terrorismo.

In an interview to Mint in 2007, de Soto estimated this to be worth about $10 trillion the world over. The trick is, like he pointed out, to incentivize people in the informal economy to accept the new terms of guaranteed titling.

 By Richard Branson - One of the things I am most thankful for in life is the chance to meet with and learn from all sorts of people from all walks of life. One of these fortunate opportunities arose recently when Hernando De Soto, the renowned Peruvian economist, spoke on Necker Island.

That latter assertion is based on the theories and real-world examples presented by Peruvian economist Hernando De Soto, who is known for his work on the informal economy and the importance of business and property rights.

El economista Hernando de Soto recordó el episodio que vivió durante el autogolpe de Estado anunciado por el entonces presidente Alberto Fujimori, el 5 de abril de 1992. Hoy se cumplen 24 años de este suceso que atentó contra la democracia y él se sumó al recuerdo colectivo en esta fecha.

For historic clarification. Fujimori and Montesinos took a victory that wasn’t theirs. Hernando de Soto, president of the ILD, highlights the leading role of thousands of brave farmers. This ends the myth of the Fujimori victory.

Aclaración histórica. Fujimori y Montesinos tomaron una victoria que no era suya. El presidente del ILD, Hernando de Soto, destaca el protagonismo de miles de valientes campesinos. Esto acaba finalmente con el mito de un fujimorismo vencedor.

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