By William Barth
Published: Monday, November 2, 2009 11:52 AM CST
America’s financial industry “created the world’s biggest shadow economy,” and unless it gets cleaned up the fragile recovery could turn sour again.
By William Barth
Published: Monday, November 2, 2009 11:52 AM CST
America’s financial industry “created the world’s biggest shadow economy,” and unless it gets cleaned up the fragile recovery could turn sour again.
The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the global branch of the US Chamber of Commerce, has created the “Hernando de Soto for Democracy” Award, which will be presented annually to a CIPE partner who has followed De Soto’s path franchising entrepreneurs in the informal sectors of developing countries.
On October 8th, PBS stations across the United States began airing “The Power of the Poor with Hernando de Soto,” a one-hour documentary film produced by Free to Choose Media, funded by the John Templeton Foundation and presented by WTTW National Productions in Chicago.
19 October 2009 - ILD President Hernando de Soto received one of the highest academic distinctions in Europe. He was named Honorary Member of the University Philosophical Society of Trinity College, Dublin, the world's oldest intellectual debate forum.
Hernando de Soto spoke on the importance of the formalization of property, especially for the poor, at the 2009 ESRI International User Conference held in San Diego between 13 and 17 July.
3 July 2009 - Renowned journalist Andrea Mitchell, former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and ILD President Hernando de Soto discuss some of the underlying concepts of legally empowering the poor, national and international security, and the financial crisis at the Aspen Ideas Festival 2009.
July 1st, 2009.- In the first of USAID’s 2009 Summer Seminars, ILD President Hernando de Soto spoke about how the ILD works in developing countries around the world to shed light on the extralegal mechanisms poor citizens resort to in order to prove and validate
New York, June 15th 2009 - Economist Hernando de Soto, one of the jury members congratulates the contest winners of the Democracy Video Challenge
More than 900 people from 95 countries competed for the grand priza of the Democracy Video Challenge.
Bloomberg: Hernando de Soto shares his insights on the US economy and the financial crisis. Watch the video below.
Articles and interviews where ILD President Hernando de Soto explores the underlying causes of the current financial crisis and advances strategies to confront it.
The document is in its original language. If you wish to read an automatically translated version, please click here .
Por Hernando de Soto NEXOS, edición de 01 mayo 2009
CREDIT SUISSE / Online Publications - 27.04.2009
Legal reforms aimed at granting property rights to the world’s poorest can eradicate poverty and boost economic growth, says the Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto. As long as these people cannot prove what they own, they cannot secure credit and capital, and expand their businesses, he says in an interview.
This article is in Spanish. If you wish to read an automatically translated version, please click here .
Entrevista en “América Economía”, abril de 2009
LOS ANGELES TIMES / April 12, 2009
We can't start fixing things until we can get a handle on the toxic assets behind the financial crisis.
As a Peruvian educated by British and American teachers, I learned never to embark on a major task without first "doing the math."
This document is in German. If you wish to read an automatically translated version, please click here .
Die Obama-Regierung hat endlich eine Strategie entwickelt, um die eigentliche Ursache der Kreditkrise in den Griff zu bekommen - die berüchtigten "toxischen Wertpapiere", vor denen Investoren und Kreditnehmer zurückschrecken, wodurch die Kreditmärkte in der ganzen Welt blockiert werden.