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  • The 2017 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research goes to Hernando de Soto

    The 2017 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research goes to Hernando de Soto

    The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research is the most prominent international award in entrepreneurship research with a price sum of EUR 100,000. De Soto’s analyses have had tremendous influence on policy throughout the world and were a main source of inspiration for the World Bank’s Doing Business program. Read More
  • 2017 Award Winner

    2017 Award Winner

    Hernando de Soto Peru  Institute for Liberty and Democracy For developing a new understanding of the institutions that underpin the informal economy as well as the role of property rights and entrepreneurship in converting the informal economy into the formal sector.   Read More
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Hernando de Soto is the author of The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else (Basic Books, 2000), The Other Path: The Economic Answer to Terrorism (Basic Books, 2002), which includes a new updated preface, "The Other Path after Ten Years," and Swiss Human Rights Book Volume 1: Realizing Property Rights (2006), co-authored with Francis Cheneval.

I congratulate the Property Rights Alliance on its 10th edition of the International Property Rights index (IPRI).Property rights are crucial in establishing a climate conducive to economic prosperity and freedom within a country.  As such, the developed nations around the world have found the importance of property rights and ensured their protection. 

At AECR's Prague Conference 2016, distinguished centre-right figures met to analyse the migration crisis and its effects on Europe, consequences of the UK referendum, and current challenges to the transatlantic partnership.

LIMA – La des-globalización no está representada solamente por el Brexit o el creciente proteccionismo estadounidense. Es una actitud negativa contra la globalización promovida por diversos movimientos autónomos y antagónicos tales como el anti-universalismo occidental en Eurasia, el anti-federalismo en Europa Oriental, el neo-marxismo tipo Piketty en Europa Occidental, y el terrorismo del Estado Islámico en el Medio Oriente.

LIMA – Nowadays, globalization’s opponents seem increasingly to be drowning out its defenders. If they get their way, the post-World War II international order – which aimed, often successfully, to advance peace and prosperity through exchange and connection – could well collapse. Can globalization be saved? At first glance, the outlook appears grim.

It could be said that there are certain things which people in Turkey, or at least some people in Turkey, are unhappy about. But it’s also worth reminding ourselves what the country has got absolutely correct in recent decades. The economic growth rate has been very good indeed hitting as much as 8 % or 9% in some years, 4% or 5% more often.

Richard Branson's Latest Article on the Last Block Chain Summit on Necker Island Involving ILDs Hernando de Soto:

Not only is Necker Island a wonderful place to relax and unwind, it’s also a great setting for free thinking and innovation. It has an incredible power to prompt people to think differently and dream big. Knowing this, every year we welcome a number of groups to the Island for gatherings that encourage inspiring collaborations. One of my favourite annual get-togethers is the Blockchain Summit.

La actividad contó con una serie de conferencias, todas vinculados a la blockchain y su aplicación tanto a nivel empresarial como inclusive gubernamental. Entre los ponentes que dictaron charlas se encontraba el célebre economista peruano Hernando de Soto, que vía videoconferencia, expuso un plan  que se propone reorganizar el sistema de títulos de propiedad haciendo uso de la blockchain, un proyecto cuya aplicación él defiende en Perú y otros países.

On Monday night, about 40 people were scattered on Balinese and Javanese teak and bamboo furniture in a room with soaring ceilings decked out with a bar, a pool table, bembe drums and ocean views on three sides. Golden light bathed everything, an easterly wind blew and seagulls glided above the water, but the gathering didn’t notice the setting sun from their tastefully appointed perch on Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island.

El retorno del economista Hernando de Soto a la política, a raíz de su aparición como asesor de Keiko Fujimori en estas elecciones, ha despertado curiosidad sobre la biografía del nuevo jale de Fuerza Popular.

People can benefit not only by being on the blockchain themselves but also from having their things on the blockchain.Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto sees incredible potential in the blockchain giving those living in poverty access to capital by leveraging homes and other assets.

The economist Hernando De Soto regarded excessive bureaucracy as the root cause of corruption in the developing world. In post-Soviet states, some of the world's most corrupt, the bureaucracy is mostly inherited from a time when cheating the state was a national pastime.

No será funcionario público, sino un asesor externo. Afirma que nunca propuso un diálogo con Sendero y PPK se le cayó al piso, es un gringo que no conoce el Perú. Reta a un debate a Martín Vizcarra.

El presidente del Instituto de Liberad y Democracia explica cómo legalizará a los mineros informales y cuál es la diferencia con la propuesta del candidato Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.

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